Thursday 24 October 2013

Last night (no Sex and Death)

She said “I feel like a round bird, sitting on her perch”
I heard that and thought, that’s a good line,
Then I needed a word to rhyme,
But the only one at the moment is birch.
Her mate was on the outside also perched on high, but looking in.
He did get there later, but he did join us, good for him.
We talked lots and listened more,
She talked about old days and glory.
I said “have you ever thought about writing it, it sounds a good story”.
She then had an open mouth and a look of surprise, maybe shock,
Then a massive eureka moment, with a massive smile and gave me a long, long grateful look.
Hopefully, she’ll write about herself and her life experiences,
and hopefully, eventually end up with a book?
I hope I helped, the inspiration is there,

I cast the line, has she caught the hook?
