Saturday 21 December 2013

Happy Christmas! {Haiku}

Happy Christmas to 
Everybody reading, 
See you all next year.


Thursday 12 December 2013

Hester's Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my heart, your love to keep.
Your arms to hold me through the night,
And keep me safe till morning's light.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my heart, your love to keep.
Your sense to guard me through the night,
And keep me safe till morning's light.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my heart, your love to keep.
Your blood to warm me through the night,
And keep me safe till morning's light.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my heart, your love to keep.
Your kiss to heal my soul, my  pains.
Oh cleanse my deeds, my love,  of their foul stains.

 If,  I should live another day,
I pray your hand in mine to guide my way.


To  think just one thought
And say it with clarity.
Beautifully simple.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

This time of year

A much lower sun,
shadows are a lot longer
at this time of year.


Tuesday 10 December 2013



Elegant cadence 
Hot rain on corrugated 
Metal roofing 

Your face in shadow
Is a dusk breaking into
Perpetual dawn

Friday 6 December 2013

I remember her saying........

No more than a Tweet’s
worth of words, she said. That means
me using my head!


Counting with fingers?

Write what you know. Count
on your fingers, one to five
then one to seven


Thursday 5 December 2013

First Haikus

Sex & Death

It has been said that
Marriage is the death of sex.
Try being single.

Season's Greetings

Holy birth of child,
Ugly, frantic, shopping hell,
Happy Christmas all!

Christmas Truth

Does she still believe?
Who is kidding who this year
About Santa Claus?


Twenty Seven Years
In a chalky island cell
Nelson Mandela


Sunday 1 December 2013

It’s too early!

Oh not again-WHY?
Really don’t need to wake now
I need sleep and how!


Only three lines

Not a lot of room
to get all the words written
needs to be precise 


Well you did ask! V11

I don’t need this stress!
You asked my opinion.
Bum looks big in dress


Well you did ask! V1

You did ask for my
opinion. Now just stress.
Bum looks big in dress 


Thanks for the advice John!

“Write it down” he said
or soon it will go from head
then that thought is dead
