Monday 26 August 2013

Another Beginning!

When it gets hot here, your feet feel as though they are on fire
We run down the side streets and feel the fire burning up through our toes
It’s dusty and it gets right up inside our noses
Sometimes we stop and take in air because it’s the only thing that will stop us from fainting.
We are young and free and mostly we run through the air and stop only to think of a new game to play.
When it gets hot here, you can feel the sunshine dripping through your hair
You can hear the older ones out in the street spinning tales
You see the smoke from the Pie House floating about in the sky.

We meet up at the sea and watch the waves crashing.
We call each other names and fight like tigers in the water.
We jump up and each time we get higher until we fly upwards to the blue sky and migrate together over the ocean.
Then the sun goes in behind the bushes
We sit down together and eat
Elora and Deliri come over and we get to break the crust and stuff down the stewed vegetables that mamma has taken her time over.
“Don’t stop talking” she shouts from the smoky kitchen “Don’t stop chattering, I like it . . . I like hearing your noises”

We laugh because our faces are stuffed with the stew from the inside of the pastry.


  1. I REALLY enjoyed this. Some evocative images and thoughtful lines... 'sunshine dripping through your hair', 'older ones spinning tales', 'smoke from the pie house', 'fighting like tigers'. But most of all I loved the poetic voice of childhood wonder. Like Mamma, I didn't want the chattering to end.
