Friday 1 March 2013

Happy? (updated)

Happy adj. (happier, happiest) 1 feeling or showing pleasure. 2 fortunate.
happily adv. happiness n.

Good company = Happy. 
Meal/drinks with good company = Happier.
Good friends = Happy.
Not having to change another nappy = Happy.
Nappy rhymes with = Happy.
Good coffee = Happy.
Un-rude people = Happy.
Good brakes on any vehicle = Happy.
Nobody cutting me up on a roundabout = Happy.
No accidents = Happy.
World problems = NOT Happy.
More dosh in pocket = Happy.
Credit card bill = Not Happy.
Leak in bathroom = Not Happy.
Remembering things = Happy.
Fixed leak in bathroom myself = Very Happy.
Islamic bomb plot stopped in this country = Very, Very Happy.
14 year old girl raped = NOT Happy.
Short sentences given by lame pathetic judges = VERY UNHAPPY.
Fuel (especially petrol) prices = Not Happy.
Finding a 5p off every litre voucher on the forecourt = Very Happy.
Not enough time with certain people = Not Happy.
Email received from the National Lottery, saying I have won = Happy.
Only a Tenner? = NOT Happy! 
Politeness, good manners, etc. = Happy.
Noisy neighbours = NOT Happy.
Nosey neighbours = not Happy.
Police called = Happy.
Seeing Soft-tops down = Happy.
Spring soon? = HAPPY!
Possibility of warmer weather = VERY HAPPY!
Being told I’m looking good = Very Happy.
Britain too ‘soft’ = NOT Happy!
Politically correct = not Happy.
Time for myself = Happy.
Wasting that time = not Happy.
Good film/book/comedy = Happy.
Laughing = Obviously Happy? Not necessarily.
Finding Stratford Wordsmiths = Happy.
Endorphins = Happy.
More energy = Happy.
Grey hairs? = Not Happy.
Check test = Not Happy.
Squeaks and Rattles in car = not Happy.
No Squeaks and Rattles in car, fixed myself = Happy.
Not being late = Happy.
Reliability with people and machines = Happy.
Time wasters = NOT Happy.
New ECU needed = VERY UNHAPPY.
Cheap new tyre =Happy.
M.o.T passed = Happy.
Cleaned = Happy.
Off roading trip booked = Happy.
Cute blonde smiled at me, when I smiled at her = Happy.
I do so wonder if she's Happy?
Seeing people smiling = Happy. 
Old man with hat & stick, always smiles and waves, seems Happy.  
Roadworks finished = Happy.
Less traffic = Happy.
Brand new = Happy.
Courtesy not costing anything = Happy.
Politeness = Happy.
Stroked cat again, made it purr = Both of us Happy.
Getting things in the right order = Happy.
Doing your best = Happy.
Surprising people (in a good way) = Happy.
Life full of simple things? = Not always Happy.
Learning from other people’s mistakes = Happy.
Advice from wiser people = Happy.
Drivers using Bluetooth = Happy.
BMW drivers NOT tailgating = Happy.
Kid left toy on bench at bus stop = kid not Happy.
Americanisms in the English language (too many) = Not Happy.
Bad spelling = not Happy.
Problems with education = not Happy.
Remembering things = Happy.
Dictionary = Happy.
Incorrect = not Happy.
Scuzz, LOUD! = Happy.
Arrogant wankers = NOT Happy.  
Bad effing language? If necessary = Happy.
Being able to observe and write it down = HAPPY!
Finding out I can't go next month to Leam. Book club meeting =
NOT Happy.
My 'Happy' not necessarily your 'Happy' 
Being Chris = (currently) HAPPY!


  1. Enjoyed this. Fun. Pretty comprehensive view of the world in that lot. Perhaps you should consider a career as an advertising copywriter. Or perhaps a sub editor, writing headlines? d

  2. Clearly written by an obviously good looking wordsmith! Good to see you trying alternative formats for your thoughts. Sally

  3. Fun device, but so personal to you that it didn't really capture my imagination, I'm afraid. You obviously had a good time writing it though and it's definitely thought provoking! BG

  4. I was trying to think of a story. Nothing was coming through, so I decided to write a list. Seemed a simple way of getting things across.
