Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Diary of a lonely, lonely, lonely.........?

There is only so much that I can take. I’m normally quite patient, but it’s that time of year, AGAIN- it’s the same old, same old.
No television, no books, not even a radio. The friend that was here, last year, has moved out. I liked her, she was cute and from Japan. She understood the quiet loneliness. But now she’s gone. But hopefully she’s OK  being looked after somewhere else, hopefully by someone who also cares. I’m sure she won’t be back, but I wonder if anybody will come and replace her. I hope so, but only time will tell.

I hear the rain, and I think, yes it’s plausible, we’ll just get wet. I hear the light pitter-patter of the snow and it’s then I realise, it’s not going to happen now, and I’m in for a long wait. A long, long, wait. Not seeing anybody, except for the occasional visit, but the things I expect or want to happen, don’t. It’s not as if I don’t know anybody, but it’s going to be a long time now.  I should have learnt from previous experience.

One day, I thought ‘hang on, I recognize that very distinctive sound’, another friend maybe, out and about, enjoying themselves, not sure exactly who it was though, as it’s so difficult without seeing them. I’ll keep on listening, it’s about all I can do.
I hear the birds, they are up very early, even for this time of year. I bet they struggle with these adverse conditions. I hear lots of engines, mainly in the morning and lots of scraping noises, and the sounds of snow or ice making crackling and crunching noises, sometimes just after the birds, some a lot later. They are struggling with these freezing conditions, but its ok for them. Later, I hear the sounds of their tyres going through the slush.  

Now I hear voices, children playing, it has got to be fun for them, I think, and it’s ok for them also, this horrible, slippery, white stuff. I hear shouting, laughing, but then crying. Something’s wrong. But, as quickly as the voices started, it’s all gone quiet again, except for the snow landing. Once again, that reminds me of how much I hate this time. Must stay positive & patient. Optimistic. My time will come. Good things come to those who wait. How many clichés have I used and who did say that? That’ll help pass some time.   
I can’t always decide exactly how long it’s been, waiting, waiting, waiting, can’t do a lot else. I’m sure it’s like this for others. I hope it’s like this for others. I do miss going out, oh happy days, good times, they’ll be back soon and I won’t be staying in the same place, waiting for so long.

I think the sun is shining, I can see a little bright dot of light on the floor. The hole in the roof is letting the light in. Oh the irony of it all.  Not every year is the same, but, eventually, when the sun or the moon shines, and there’s no threat of bad weather, we’re all out together, having fun, going to new places, or seeing friends, old and new, at the usual haunts. These current times, which are the ‘not as good times’, seem to be forgotten, maybe on purpose, as if these lonely times are never going to happen again, or is that just my imagination?

Back to reality, sorry, got a bit lost there. I’m sure that’s normal? It must be raining now, as I can hear the dripping, from the roof. It’s a quick drip now, but sometimes, it’s difficult to hear above the racket that the rain is making on the ground, but I still await, eagerly. I can only be positive, in these lonely times, they do have their moments.
The intermittent drip, that sometimes sounds familiar, (when I can hear it).
Sometimes, it’s the only thing I can hear, it can sound like an engine, a tune maybe, a familiar, but sometimes indescribable sound. It passes the time for me, trying to match the varying times of the drip, drip, drip, to a sound that you know that you've heard before.

A while ago, I remember seeing the four legged animals, not just pets, but other animals also getting more attention. They get fed, have the company of others of the same type and have what looks like good times, going out, running, even with snow on the ground. They get treated nicely, at all times of the year. I know that I’m different to an animal, but we are so similar in various ways. How lucky are they?
And what do I get? Nothing like that. I do miss going out, not staying in one place for so long.
Lonely, lonely, lonely. Because of the snow. 

Chris. Work in progress. (Updated, ie: paragraphs & the same font) BIG THANK YOU to David, for his help.


  1. Any ideas why the different fonts, when I copy and paste from Word?

  2. I copied some back into Word and, whilst it all looks the same, the document is using two fonts: Calibri and Times New Roman. Just do a Cntrl A, then select whichever font you want, and apply it to everything. If that doesn't work, Select all again and apply whichever style you want to use.
    Good stuff by the way. Will reserve comment until 'work in progress' is finished....

  3. Thanks D, please don't reserve comments, there will be more, it's on it's way, sort of. But if you let me know more on this one, I'll be wiser for the next one?

  4. Well, I'll offer some critical comment if you like, but I don't mean to present myself as someone who's qualified to do so...

    Use more paragraphs. They're a tool with which you can create pauses, and divi the content up into self contained chunks. The story then flows better because the reader is dealing with one chunk at a time, each chunk being distinct from the other.

    Re-read what's been written and see if it can be expressed with fewer words. It's a bit dangerous this one, because fewer words isn't always better. It depends on your style. Personally I think brevity can be powerful.

    Try to edit to make sentences flow into one another easily, more as you'd speak them.

    And look for opportunities to make words rhyme.

    For example, here's how I'd have written this bit:
    >>"Now I hear voices, children playing, it has got to be fun for them, I think, and it’s ok for them also, this horrible, slippery, white stuff. I hear shouting, laughing, but then crying. Something’s wrong. But, as quickly as the voices started, it’s all gone quiet again, except for the snow landing."<<

    'Now I hear the sounds of children playing and having fun. It's OK for them, this horrible, white slippery stuff. Then there's crying amongst the laughter. Something's wrong. But it doesn't last long. And soon it's quiet again, save the hushed sound of falling snow.'

    I'm sure it breaks some ethical protocol, suggesting how a contributor's piece might be rewritten! Again.. only my opinion and I'm not setting myself up as an authority here. And we all have our own style so do ignore me if you want to. But I think the second version is easier to read? Do you agree? And note the rhyme between 'wrong' and 'long' and how it makes the thing more satisfying to read somehow. Makes the paragraph whole.

  5. No ethical protocol broken with me, just sound advice. I won't ignore it. More paragraphs. They were in M. Word, but not after cutting and pasting. Thanks. I understand, but it wasn't meant to rhyme. The 'and it's ok for them also' referred to others that were OK in the ice/snow, mentioned previously. I was trying to get the point across.

  6. Ah OK. Now I've re-read, I see that. Perhaps I'd have noticed it more if the cut and paste hadn't screwed up the paragraphs.

    I appreciate it wasn't meant to rhyme. It's prose. Not poetry. It's just that I find that the occasional rhyme built into the prose helps it along somehow, that's all.

    I'm dying to know who or what it is that's speaking.

  7. Prose? Another new word for me to remember & translate!!!! I see why the occasional rhyme helps.
    Who or what will be revealed, eventually. All guesses welcomed.

  8. See what you think now, re paragraphs.
